Russian Empire Personality Type

Empire from 1721 to 1917
Russian Empire
163, 1w2, ISTJ, Sp/Sx
Personality Directory
The Russian Empire, also known as Imperial Russia, was an empire that extended across Eurasia from 1721, succeeding the Tsardom of Russia following the Treaty of Nystad that ended the Great Northern War. The rise of the Russian Empire coincided with the decline of neighboring rival powers: the Swedish Empire, Poland–Lithuania, Persia, the Ottoman Empire, and Qing China. The Empire lasted until the Republic was proclaimed by the Provisional Government that took power after the February Revolution of 1917. The third-largest empire in history, at one point stretching over three continents—Europe, Asia, and North America—the Russian Empire was surpassed in size only by the British and Mongol empires. It had 125.6 million subjects according to the 1897 census. Like all empires, it featured great economic, ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity.
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