Phoenix "Nick" Wright, known as Ryūichi Naruhodō (Japanese: 成歩堂 龍一, Hepburn: Naruhodō Ryūichi) in the original Japanese language versions, is the fictional titular defense attorney and the main protagonist in Capcom's Ace Attorney video game series. Phoenix is featured as the protagonist in the first three games of the series, appears as a supporting character in the fourth and returns as one of the protagonists for the fifth and sixth games. The character has also appeared in film, anime and manga adaptations of the series, a Japanese series of musicals and stage plays, and crossover video games such as Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Project X Zone 2, Puzzle Fighter, and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and has received a universally positive critical reception, described as a likeable character with a realistic profession.