Mirtha Legrand Personality Type

Argentine actress and television presenter
Mirtha Legrand
387, 3w2, ESTJ, So/Sp
Personality Directory
Rosa María Juana Martínez Suárez (born 23 February 1927), known by her stage name Mirtha Legrand (″Legrand″ being a portmanteau for the French Le grand, The Great, Spanish: La grande) is an Argentine actress and television presenter, twin sister of Silvia Legrand. With an 80-year career, Legrand is one of the most recognized entertainment figures in Argentina. Despite having appeared in 36 films and twelve theatrical performances, Legrand is best known for her interview television programme Almorzando con las estrellas that first aired in 1968 on Alejandro Romay's channel 9. The show was later renamed Almorzando con Mirtha Legrand.
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