Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon is a fictional character and a protagonist in the computer-animated television series Ninjago, (previously known as Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu) which is produced by The Lego Group. He is also the protagonist of The Lego Ninjago Movie, released in 2017. He was created by the original Ninjago screenwriters, Dan and Kevin Hageman and introduced in the first season of Ninjago, titled Rise of the Snakes, which was released in December 2011. In the series, the character was developed from a young boy to his current role as the legendary Green Ninja, a prophesied hero within the lore of the series who is destined to save the land of Ninjago from the forces of evil. He is also defined as the Elemental Master of Energy, which gives him a range of elemental powers, such as shooting green energy beams at enemies and passively shielding his body.