Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson, commonly known as Ben 10, is a fictional superhero and the title protagonist of the Ben 10 franchise. An initially normal ten-year-old kid until he finds the Omnitrix, a powerful watch-like device that allows him to turn into (initially ten but unlocks more) different aliens, he was created for Ben 10 (2005–2008), in which he was voiced by Tara Strong. Strong was replaced by Yuri Lowenthal for the three sequel series Ben 10: Alien Force (2008–2010), Ben 10: Ultimate Alien (2010–2012) and Ben 10: Omniverse (2012–2014), with Strong returning to voice Ben in Ultimate Alien in one episode as well as Omniverse in flashbacks and in the rebooted Ben 10 (2016–2021), with Lowenthal returning for the latter's 2021 series finale.