Bas Rutten Personality Type

Kickboxer, professional wrestler and mixed martial arts fighter
Bas Rutten
315, 7w8, ESTP, Sx/So
Personality Directory
Sebastian "Bas" Rutten (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈbɑs ˈrɵtə(n)]; born 24 February 1965) is a Dutch-American actor, former mixed martial artist, kickboxer and professional wrestler. He was a UFC Heavyweight Champion, a three-time King of Pancrase world champion, and finished his career on a 22 fight unbeaten streak (21 wins, 1 draw). FightMetric wrote this when Rutten got inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame: "[We] ran the numbers on Rutten's career. They back up the Dutchman's inclusion into the UFC Hall of Fame and then some. In the 4-hours, 27-minutes and 8-seconds he spent as a pro fighter, Rutten scored 13 knockdowns without getting dropped himself, his significant strike accuracy was 70.6%, the highest FightMetric has ever recorded, attempted a record 53 submissions and successfully swept his opponents a record 46 times." From 2007 to 2016, Rutten was the co-host of Inside MMA on AXS TV. Rutten became a naturalized American citizen receiving citizenship in the late 1990s.
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