António de Oliveira Salazar Personality Type

Prime Minister of Portugal from 1932 to 1968
António de Oliveira Salazar
162, 1w9, ISTJ, So/Sp
Personality Directory
António de Oliveira Salazar (, US also , Portuguese: [ɐ̃ˈtɔni.u ð(ɨ) ɔliˈvɐjɾɐ sɐlɐˈzaɾ]; 28 April 1889 – 27 July 1970) was a Portuguese dictator who served as President of the Council of Ministers from 1932 to 1968. Having come to power under the Ditadura Nacional ("National Dictatorship"), he reframed the regime as the Estado Novo ("New State"), a corporatist dictatorship that ruled Portugal from 1933 until 1974. Salazar was a political economy professor at University of Coimbra.
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