Ann Takamaki Personality Type

Character in the Persona series
Ann Takamaki
269, 2w3, ESFJ, So/Sx
Personality Directory
Ann Takamaki (高巻 杏, Takamaki An, Anne Takamaki in the Japanese version) is a character in the 2016 video game Persona 5. She is a mixed-race teenage girl and a second-year student at the fictional Shujin Academy. She is also one of the founding members of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, a group formed with the intention of stopping wrongdoers from hurting others. She helps establish this group in part to get revenge on one of her teachers, Suguru Kamoshida, who had been sexually harassing her and drove her friend to attempt suicide. She gets supernatural powers while in a world called the Metaverse, powers which come from her Persona, Carmen, motivated by her anger over Kamoshida.
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