+Hero syndrome+ ENFJ stereotype *Gossips*
Overly positive,
"golden retriever of MBTI"
Fake and two faced
Motivator that wants
to be everyone's
Free therapist -
and doesn't mind it
Such a loud
Doesn't understand why
At first tend to be
they're so influenced by overly happy go lucky,
people around them, it as time flies they become
frustrates them
more serious/cold
Either has everything
organized or is the
most confused/done
person you currently know
My experience with ENFJs
Can be so sweet and
and outgoing, loyalty
is important to them
r/mbtime mes
Very playful, wants people
who are in for fun AND work,
who would help them grow
also and have a drive
If you're close to them,
they really want you to
be a part of their
activities, they're
literally searching
for someone who
would never leave them
If they see you as
their BFF, you can
bet you are and they
will tell you
REALLY afraid
of being excluded,
they love when
you include them
Hides what they think -
They say popular opinion
but many times are just so
scared to say their own one,
because of the fear of rejection
Is always like "yeah
everything is fine",
proceeds to have
for change/bringing out the most "I'm so done" look
the best of the ENFJ
Actually pretty serious -
depends who they are with,
but ready to go down to
business and work hard
and dramatic
Just about people,
not intellectual persuits
They *want to see
you try your hardest,
that motivates them,
how they're in a team
Even when trying to be
assertive, it often comes
of as very tolerable
Smile that
has a drop
of mischief
behind it
Is into many very nerdy
topics, doesn't have
problems diving deep
Struggles with
identity also due to
wanting to be as others
want them to be
Once mad,
mostly is
but can also be
easily aggressive
on daily bases
Doesn't know how to process
big chunks of information into
a smaller, down to core,
way, doesn't
know which info is more
If healthy - very forgiving,
if not - never forgets what
you did to them and is
ready for a payback, can
be so extemely vengeful
The first one
to jump out For a big momma of MBTI,
of their chair relies on support more
to help you than any other type I've seen
Biggest Once they had enough,
schemer becomes phlegmatic
out there, around you, they just
don't have any energy,
either for
they doesn't want to be
good or
your constant supporter
if you're not trying
Such huge pessimistic tendencies