Will you lie to me?
ESTP - Yes
ESTJ - No.
ESFP - Yes
ENTP-Yeah, obviously
ENTJ- No, will you?
ENFP - Imagination never lies
ENFJ- No, I guess
ISTP - Lemme check the
manual, it says no
ISTJ - No, Yes, Maybe?
ISFP *draws
INTP-beep beep
INTJ- hmmm... Yes
INFP - Never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you
INFJ-Depends, if you see that the world is real, then everything is real, but if
you see the world as our dream, then everything's a lie. You, me, everybody is a
fie. Nobody exist. Am I real? Are you real? Is this world we're living in real? It
depends on how you look at it. But actually, everything's a lie. Your opinion
doesn't matter. The answer's right there. Your brain is trying to make imaginary
people, organisms, bla bla bla, to trick us that we are real. Thank you for coming
to my TedTalk. Well, is TedTalk even real?

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