ENTPS and Enneagram
Enneagram 8
• core desire: being
independent and not
controlled by others
• typically assertive and
innovative ideas and
implementing them by
combining Ne and Ti
more assertive and
interested in power
dynamic than the other
• can come across as ENTJ
most common
Enneagram 7 Enneagram 5
• core desire: feeling
core desire: being
competent & capable
typically more
content and satisfied
• strong correlation with
Ne - explorative,
adventurous, energetic,
introverted, rich inner
imaginative, curious • using Ne to brainstorm
are quickly bored and
tend to dislike routine,
which may lead to
procrastination issues
using Ne to search for
new experience
• may resemble ESTP
possibilities&ideas, and
Ti to analyze them and
form complex theories
gathering info about the
world to feel secure, as
they're suspicious of it
might resemble INTP