the 16 types
as Sensations
Created by mbtitime
INFP The warmth of a puppy
curled up in your lap
ENFP The nice feeling after
drinking a cold soda on a hot day
INFJ The feeling when you take a
warm bath on a cold night
ENFJ The warm embrace from a
friend you haven't seen in a while
INTP The feeling you get from
the smell of books
ENTJ Crossing off tasks on your
to-do list after a long day
ENTP The high from making it on
time after doing something last minute
INTJ The pleasure from the
aroma of a fresh brewed coffee
ISTP The satisfying feeling plug-
ging the USB right the first try.
ESFP The fun feeling popping a
bottle of champagne
ISFJ Satisfying feeling of climb-
ing into fresh sheets after a shower
ESTP The exhiliration from a
rollercoaster ride
ISTJ Comfort of changing from
work clothes into your pajamas
ESTJ Opening a fresh jar of
anything from the grocery
ISFP The satisfying sounds of
the ice in your iced coffee
ESFJ The fuzzy feeling of wrap-
ping yourself in a blanket at night