The Technique of Deceit by GSRRM
-"You mention GSRRM all the time, what does it stand for?"-
The Female (herd) competitive strategy by circumventing argument by use of
(S)haming, (R)allying, (R)idicule, (M)oralizing, (P)sychologizing,(U)ndermining,
(R)eputation destruction. and solving for (F)ace or consent - instead of the Male
(pack) strategy by factual argument solving for truth regardless of face or consent. In
other words female "Feels" using rejection or approval vs male "Reals" of truth or
. (R)idiculing
(R)eputation destruction.
...and solving for...
(F)ace, approval, or consent - instead of (T)ruth: The Female Strategy of
(A)pproval and (D)isapproval) vs Male (F)act.
Men generally make an argument and let the argument do its work. We use shaming if
necessary in response to GSRRM. Whereas the feminine cognitive strategy is to rely
entirely on GSRRM as a means of disapproving of, denying, or suppressing the argument
rather than refuting it.