Rick Sanchez is one of the two eponymous characters and the main protagonist from the Adult Swim animated television series Rick and Morty. Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon and voiced by the former, Sanchez is a misanthropic alcoholic scientist inspired by Christopher Lloyd's Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown from Back to the Future and Reed Richards from Marvel Comics. In September 2021, Lloyd portrayed Sanchez himself in a series of promotional interstitials for the series.Known for his reckless, nihilistic behavior and pessimistic personality, the character has been well received. He is a sociopathic mad scientist who seems to know everything in the universe and thus finds life a traumatizing and pointless experience. However, despite assuming himself to be the smartest person in the universe, there have been times when he has been wrong. He is the widower of Diane Sanchez and father of Beth Smith, the father-in-law of Jerry Smith, and the grandfather of Morty and Summer Smith.